Start your own business in minutes
StartWerk is a simple template to start your business. It included Landingpage, login, dashboard, products, payments - everything you need to in just a few minutes!
Easy to use template for everybody who want to start a business
Start your business today with maximal flexibility
Minimal template to reduce complexity
Easy start within minutes
Directly ready for monetization with Stripe
What do I get?
- Send transactional emails, setup your DNS to avoid spam folder (DKIM, DMARC, SPF in subdomain), and listen to webhook to receive & forward emails
- Create checkout sessions, handle webhooks to update user's account (subscriptions, one-time payments...) and tips to setup your account & reduce chargebacks
- Magic links setup, login with Google walkthrough, save user in MongoDB/Supabase, private/protected pages & API calls
- Components, animations & sections (like this features section), 20+ themes with daisyUI, automatic dark mode
- Send transactional emails, setup your DNS to avoid spam folder (DKIM, DMARC, SPF in subdomain), and listen to webhook to receive & forward emails
- Create checkout sessions, handle webhooks to update user's account (subscriptions, one-time payments...) and tips to setup your account & reduce chargebacks
- Magic links setup, login with Google walkthrough, save user in MongoDB/Supabase, private/protected pages & API calls
- Components, animations & sections (like this features section), 20+ themes with daisyUI, automatic dark mode
I don't need updates
- All features included
- Access to the entire code repository
I want to have lifelong updates
- All features included
- Access to the entire code repository
- Access to all future features and updates
- Loreum Ipseum
Yes! You can request a refund within 7 days of your purchase. Reach out by email.
- Cool, contact us by email